venerdì 27 luglio 2012

The investigation of the University of Florence on Marco Ruggiero concludes: not sacked but ...

The investigation of the "Special Commission" on Marco Ruggiero's teaching concludes with a debacle for the professor of Molecular Biology. Ruggiero was not sacked or otherwise sanctioned by a strictly disciplinary point of view for his denialist positions on HIV/AIDS, but

·        the programs of his courses and the graduation thesis of his students will be placed under strict control in order to conform them with the issues and the responsibilities for the degree course;

·        he had to express the intention to revise his program of teaching;

·        he has been admonished not to publish incorrect online news involving the university and damaging its image, as he has done in the past;

·        his name has been referred to the Federazione Nazionale Ordini Medici Chirurghi e Odontoiatri for his alleged “clinical trials” with the GcMAF protein.

“Ordine dei medici” is the Italian denomination for the group of regulatory authorities of the medical profession (licensing and registration of physicians; hearing of complaints about professional conduct).

Similarly to what happens in most Western countries, in Italy administration of treatment for therapeutic purposes is subjected to an authorization system: in the case of clinical trials, to the approval by the ethics commitees of hospitals; in the case of treatments outside of clinical trials, to the fact that these treatments are approved for human use by the Ministry of Health.

Conducting studies or using unauthorized products outside of a research protocol that can guarantee enrolled people's safety, is also a violation of professional ethics (Italian Code of Medical Ethics, see artt. 13, 15, 49).

It's then appropriate that the “GcMAF clinical trials issue” is referred to medical authorities for investigation rather than academic administrators, because it is not strictly “academic” and directly linked to the teaching of Ruggiero, but rather to his “scientific” activity.
The fact that the referral comes from a commission that includes the Vice-Chancellor for Research (Professor Elisabetta Cerbai) of Ruggiero’s own university means that such medical authorities will have to take it very seriously. 

The commission verdict and Professor Tesi’s decisions are setting a very important precedent in the Italian academic world since, henceforth, it will be difficult for the Italian denialist academics to hide behind the sacred cow of academic freedom and to abuse of their position of power over the students they are supposed to educate.

Follows the press release from the University of Florence:

Florence, July 25, 2012

/ Press release /

* University, Ruggiero case *

*The investigation of the University on the professor’s teaching concludes *

The investigation has concluded with regard to Marco Ruggiero, professor of Molecular Biology, Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences at the University of Florence, who in recent months provided explanations of some aspects of his teaching in the undergraduate degree in Biological Sciences, as a result of special interviews and observations conducted by a commission appointed to evaluate elements of these aspects.

At the end of this procedure, no elements of responsibility emerged which require the issuance of disciplinary sanctions. However, the rector of the University of Florence, Alberto Tesi, in charge of the proceedings, has written a letter to the teacher, making some clarifications on the issues in dispute. In particular, recalling the differences detected between the lessons of Ruggiero and the program of courses of study of the Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences, the rector, while respecting freedom of research and teaching, has reaffirmed the need for the professor to arrange his university teaching program with the director of the degree course, especially when considering direct lessons for students of biology on clinical aspects. The rector also took note of the professor’s intention to revise his program of teaching.

Similarly, Professor Tesi has asked that the arguments of the degree theses assigned by Ruggiero related to aspects of clinical interest are subjected to more stringent verification procedures to ensure their compatibility with the particular basic themes of the Bachelor in Biological Sciences course. Furthermore, the professor was also admonished for publishing or causing to be published incorrect online news implicating the University and adversely affecting its image, as was done in the past.

Regarding the allegations that the teacher conducted experiments on GcMAF through clinical administration of the protein, the rector considered it appropriate to bring this to the attention of the Medical Board as possibly more relevant to the functions of that body.

Firenze, 25 luglio 2012

/Comunicato stampa/

*Università, caso Ruggiero*

*Conclusa l’indagine dell’Ateneo sull’attività didattica del docente*

Conclusa l’istruttoria nei confronti di Marco Ruggiero, ordinario di Biologia molecolare presso la facoltà di Scienze matematiche, fisiche e naturali dell’Università di Firenze, chiamato a fornire nei mesi scorsi spiegazioni su alcuni aspetti della sua attività didattica all’interno del corso di laurea in Scienze biologiche, a seguito di apposite audizioni e delle osservazioni svolte da una commissione incaricata di acquisire elementi di valutazione.

Alla fine del procedimento non sono emersi elementi di responsabilità tali da richiedere l’emanazione di sanzioni disciplinari. Il rettore dell’Ateneo fiorentino Alberto Tesi, titolare del procedimento stesso, ha però scritto una lettera al docente, formulando alcune precisazioni sui temi oggetto di contestazione. In particolare, ricordando le difformità rilevate tra le lezioni di Ruggiero e il programma dei corsi di studio del Corso di laurea in Scienze Biologiche, il rettore, pur nel rispetto della libertà di ricerca e di insegnamento, ha riaffermato la necessità per il docente di concordare i programmi di insegnamento con il responsabile del Corso di laurea, soprattutto qualora si intenda indirizzare le lezioni destinate agli studenti di biologia su aspetti clinici. Il rettore ha anche preso atto dell’intenzione del docente di rivedere il proprio programma di insegnamento.

Analogamente il rettore Tesi ha chiesto che gli argomenti delle tesi di laurea assegnati da Ruggiero – inerenti aspetti di interesse clinico – siano sottoposti a modalità di verifica più stringenti per garantire la loro compatibilità con le tematiche specifiche del Corso di laurea in Scienze biologiche. Il docente è stato, inoltre, ammonito dal pubblicare o far pubblicare online notizie inesatte che coinvolgano l’Ateneo e ne ledano l’immagine, come già avvenuto in passato.

Circa la presunta effettuazione da parte del docente di sperimentazioni cliniche attraverso  somministrazione della proteina GcMAF, il rettore ha ritenuto opportuno segnalare la vicenda all’Ordine dei Medici per quanto possa sembrare rilevante riguardo alle funzioni di tale organismo.

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